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The Library

North West area of Copenhagen

The Library is an extension of an existing culture house in Copenhagen North-west. The extension holds 4 main functions: a children library, a youth library, a library for adults, and a concert hall for 400 standing guests. In the shape of 4 golden boxes, the 4 functions are stacked on top of each other creating the new geometry of the building. The spaces between the boxes are used as flexible spaces. Moving through the building, you experience an interplay between the different staged spatialities in each box versus an open, flexible space outside and between the boxes.

The Library’s most notable architectural feature is the building’s overall geometry consisting of 4 golden boxes stacked on top of each other - just as a stack of books. And just as a book, each golden box is a world of its own with an individual staged scenography. Moving through the building, you experience an interplay between the different stages spatialities in each box versus an open, flexible space outside and between the boxes.

The library is located in Copenhagen North-west which is, by default, a low status area. In this context the building appears as a golden gem, beautifying an often disregarded part of town. The building is developed through a profound user involvement process where the local community has been part of the project development throughout its duration. The building is thus an example of an exemplary amalgamation with the existing area and has become a natural focal point and community center for the entire neighborhood.

Seen from the outside, the facade changes over day depending on how the daylight falls. Some windows are placed behind the expanded metal, which is barely visible in daylight, but clearly appears in the evening when the house is illuminated from the inside.


Projekt Biblioteket
Kulturhus og bibliotek i Nordvest-kvarteret
Klient Københavns Kommune
Kategori Indretning, Transformation, Kultur
Sted København, DK
År 2009 — 2011
Størrelse 1.800 m2 tilbygning og 1.200 m2 ombygning
Ydelse Totalrådgiving
Status Indviet i 2011
Akkvisition 1. præmie i konkurrence efter prækvalifikation
Budget 42.000.000,- dkkr
Samarbejde COBE, Schønherr, Brd. Andersen, Wessberg
Team Lars Bendrup, Claus Hermansen, Nikolaj Harving, Loa Dahl Iversen, Michael Damberg, Thorbjørn Brøndum
Priser Politikens I-BYEN prisen 2013, MIPIM Best Refurbished Building 2012, Hovedstadens Forskønnelsespris Bedste Bygning 2011, Københavns Kommunes Arkitekturpris 2011
Fotograf Jens Lindhe, Adam Mørk, Kåre Viemose